Riverwalk Dental

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Basics of Bruxism

When you’re angry, or anxious, do you find yourself clenching your teeth together? Do you wake up with a sore jaw and ask yourself why? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, you may want to pay attention while our doctors at Riverwalk Dental discuss the basics of bruxism. Bruxism is the action of clenching or grinding the teeth and although this can occur during the day, it’s most common during sleep.

Bruxism takes a toll on tooth enamel because the action of grinding your teeth can wear it down.  Enamel can’t be restored once it’s lost, so it’s important to address this problem at the first sign of grinding.  Bruxism may cause tooth sensitivity, headaches, and aching jaws due to the overuse of the jaw muscles. When bruxism interferes with sleep, our doctors may suggest a night guard as a treatment option. Depending on the severity of malocclusion, orthodontic options may also be explored.

If you have questions or concerns about bruxism or night guards, please give us a call. Riverwalk Dental is located at 540 6th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2G 1K5, Canada. To schedule an appointment, call 1-403-456-4994 or visit RiverwalkDental.Ca.

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