Riverwalk Dental

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Losing the First Tooth

If your kid is turning into a big kid, losing the first baby tooth is on the horizon.  It’s an exciting sign of growing up, but many kids still feel anxious or uncomfortable dealing with the unfamiliar sensation of a loose tooth.  Riverwalk Dental wants kids and parents to be prepared and understand why this pain occurs so your child can still have a positive tooth loss experience.

Before a baby tooth is lost, it begins to break free of its nerve endings.  This is the natural process that makes the tooth feel loose and wobbly at the gums, and the area will become swollen and red.  It can be painful, and for kids a great way to soothe tooth pain is applying a cold compress to the outside of the mouth in the affected area.  Children may complain that they find it hard to bite or chew with loose or missing teeth.  It’s still important to keep eating healthy while they grow new teeth so encourage soup, pureed fruits, and cooked vegetables.  A few tales of the tooth fairy can usually ease a little pain, too!

To learn more about tooth loss and the services we provide at the practice, visit www.riverwalkdental.ca for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Riverwalk Dental located at Canada, Alberta, T1B 4Y2, Medicine Hat, 101-7 Strachan Bay, SE, call 403-456-4994.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Sleep Apnea and the Heart

Sleep apnea is not only a serious medical condition, but left untreated it can lead to a plethora of other health issues and is dangerous for the heart.  A patient with sleep apnea does not breathe properly during sleep, resulting in low oxygen levels throughout the entire body. Breathing supplies lungs with oxygen but also the rest of the body.  When there is a lack of oxygen, the part of the heart responsible for moving oxygenated blood to the organs and extremities is forced to work extra hard.  This can cause an enlarged heart and eventually heart failure.

Those living with untreated sleep apnea are at a higher risk of developing irregular heartbeats, and also have a higher risk for a stroke and heart attack.  Men with untreated sleep apnea are actually living with double the risk for a stroke.  If you have yet to find a solution for sleep apnea, please visit Riverwalk Dental for a consultation.

If you have questions or concerns regarding sleep disorders, please give us a call. To learn more about sleep apnea and all the treatments we offer, visit www.riverwalkdental.ca for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Riverwalk Dental located at Canada, Alberta, T1B 4Y2, Medicine Hat, 101-7 Strachan Bay, SE, call 403-456-4994.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Dangers of Dental Plaque

If you run your tongue over your teeth right now and feel a sticky substance, this biofilm is called dental plaque. Plaque doesn’t bring positivity to the mouth, instead, it brings consequences. If you allow plaque to build-up on the teeth and neglect to floss it away on a daily basis, this can activate the immune system chronically, which leads to unnecessary inflammation in the body. To prevent plaque from turning into periodontal disease, visit our doctors at Riverwalk Dental.

Plaque is constantly forming on the teeth, especially after we eat or drink foods with sugars and starches. Plaque is so sticky that it keeps the acids in contact with the teeth, allowing these acids time to attack tooth enamel. If plaque isn’t brushed and flossed away, it will cause inflammation around the gums, which will cause them to bleed and become sensitive. The best thing you can do to prevent plaque from harming the teeth and gums is to brush for two minutes twice a day and floss at least once a day while maintaining yearly dental appointments.

If you have questions or concerns about oral care or dental health, please give us a call. Riverwalk Dental is located at 540 6th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2G 1K5, Canada. To schedule an appointment, call 1-403-456-4994 or visit riverwalkdental.ca.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Smoking and Oral Health

Our doctors at Riverwalk Dental understand that telling yourself to quit smoking is easier said than done. We don’t need to tell you that smoking is bad for your teeth, but we’d like to explain the reasons why. Smoking affects periodontal health because the action causes a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream which means that inflamed and infected gums won’t heal. Smoking also causes teeth to appear lackluster, and bad breath may become chronic.

According to the American Dental Association, smoking and tobacco use cause stained teeth, bad breath, and even a diminished sense of taste. Smoking can also hinder the immune system from fighting off infection, and a weakened immune system will also affect your oral health. The use of tobacco also increases a patient’s risk of developing oral cancer. Smokers are six times more likely than nonsmokers to develop these cancers.

If you have questions or concerns about oral care or dental health, please give us a call. Riverwalk Dental is located at 540 6th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2G 1K5, Canada. To schedule an appointment, call 1-403-456-4994 or visit riverwalkdental.ca.