Riverwalk Dental

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Thumb Sucking

At Riverwalk Dental, Calgary’s first-time parents often ask us whether their child’s thumb sucking habit is harming their oral health. The answer mainly depends on the age of the child. Thumb sucking is a common behavior in children under four, but as they begin losing their baby teeth, it could become a problem.

Very young children’s facial bones are not fully fused together and can shift back from the pressure put on them by sucking a thumb or a pacifier. But this does not remain true for children over about the age of five. Persistent thumb sucking can cause an overbite or other malocclusion, or even misaligned jaws.

Children over four should be coaxed out of their bad habits, but parents should be aware there could be an underlying psychological reason for their child’s need to self-soothe. When this isn’t addressed, children often develop a habit of thrusting their tongues against their front teeth as a substitute, which isn’t any better. There are orthodontic devices to discourage tongue-thrusting, but general practice is to use these as last resorts.

Riverwalk Dental is located at 540 6th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2G 1K5, Canada. To schedule an appointment, call 1-403-456-4994 or visit RiverwalkDental.Ca.


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